Such invitations should be tendered after a transaction is completed rather than before

They had no training in how to handle a knife and fork and they probably never read a book of etiquette, but they had one faculty, which is highly developed in nearly every person who lifts himself above the crowd, and that is observation. There is nothing to say against it, but one of the most beautiful factories in America has on its letter head only the name of the firm, the address, and a small trademark engraved in black. ‘ Glum and sullen salesmen there are not many of them are of little genuine value to their firms. Salesmanship is service, and the man who persuades another to buy something he knows he does not want, does not need, and cannot use, is a scoundrel. Occasionally a ‘Help Wanted’ advertisement requests that the answer be in the applicant’s own handwriting, but even this is rare. ‘ The reason for this is that the switchboard before which the operator sits is honeycombed with tiny holes arranged in sections of one hundred each.

They are very pleasant and helpful but the work of the world is done in offices, not on golf links or in dining rooms

Each time the Colonel came in the day after and asked if the letter had been sent. For the man who is selling is so eager and so earnest that he forgets that the man who is buying may have his own ideas on the subject. We have no statistics but we venture to say there are as many who eat with their knives.

No man should depend upon the help out of his friends. But there is one enormous difference with small business loans. It might be just as well to remember that people do not interrupt intentionally, and the intruder is probably as disconcerted as the man he has interrupted. It has been estimated that in New York City alone, more than a full skating rink year is lost over the telephone every day between sunrise and sunset.

The one who is calling, for instance, cannot know that he is the tenth or eleventh person who has called the man at the other end of the wire in rapid succession, that his desk is piled high with correspondence which must be looked over, signed, and sent out before noon, that the advertising department is waiting for him to O.

Very much in earnest about what he had set out to do, and blessed besides with a goodish bit of common sense, he explained his situation to Herbert, for that was the other boy’s name, talked about the fact that he had been brought up by a blacksmith in a country place, that he knew practically nothing of the ways of politeness, and that he would take it as a fair kindness if Herbert would give him a hint whenever he saw him at a loss or going wrong. There is not much room for individuality in the make up of a letter. If a letter is more than two pages long this line is often added to the succeeding pages, a very convenient device, for letters are sometimes misplaced in the files and this helps to locate them. ‘I am going to give you some books,’ he announced. Farmers have more leisure and they are quite willing to read long letters if (and this if is worth taking note of) they are interesting. The fact that the people in the office knew that it was likely to happen kept them on the alert and nearly every letter that left the organization was better because the person who wrote it knew that the man at the head was interested in it and that there was a strong chance that he might see it. It is foolish to tip extravagantly or to tip every pirate who performs even the most trifling service, but a small fee, especially if the service has been good, is a courtesy not to be forgotten.

The position is not an easy one, especially in places where there is a constant influx of miscellaneous callers, and it is hardly fair to ask a young girl to fill it

On the face of things it seems that an order letter would be an easy one to write, but the mail order houses have another story to tell. She has no right to answer irrelevant questions.

Until we have heard him speak we judge him by the way he looks. The telephone directory is a safe guide, much more so than an old letter or bill head or an uncertain memory. One was from a teacher of commercial English who declared that he was going to use it as a model in his classes, and the other two congratulated the firm on having so excellent a correspondent. In calling a fifteen the name of the exchange should be given first.

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