They may be lowered from the mouth with the spoon, they may be allowed to drop unaided, or they may be swallowed

The burden of table courtesy falls upon the man who is selling rather than the one who is buying, probably because he is the one to whom the obvious profit accrues. The name may be placed in the lower left hand corner of the letter Attention Mister Green or Attention Advertising Manager, and it may also be placed just above the salutation inside the letter. There is an atmosphere about a first class hotel that frightens away second rate people. The others are valuable only as they contribute to them. The one which presents a special offer on special terms specially arranged for the benefit of the customer wins out almost every time, provided, of course, that the offer is worth presenting. The smiling idiot with which this country (and others) so abounds may be harmless and even useful if she is kept busy behind the lines, but, placed out where she is a buffer between the house and the outside world, she is a positive affliction.

The teachers of salesmanship tell us that we are all selling something, even when there is no visible product

Many times a man will say things over the telephone rude, profane, angry, insulting things, which he would not dream of saying if he were actually before the man he is talking to. Whether he gets a second interview or not depends upon how he handled the first one. An experienced traveler usually carries very little baggage.

And there is no earthly (or heavenly) reason why a man should not eat in the way which society has established as correct, and a good many reasons why he should. She should be able to spell and punctuate correctly and to make the minor changes in phrasing and diction that so often can make a good letter of a poor one with small business financing. It might be just as well to remember that people do not interrupt intentionally, and the intruder is probably as disconcerted as the man he has interrupted. There are many ways of getting into an office.

The fact that the people in the office knew that it was likely to happen kept them on the alert and nearly every letter that left the organization was better because the person who wrote it knew that the man at the head was interested in it and that there was a strong chance that he might see it.

The salesman opened this door by mistake and struck his head smartly against the shelf. The subject does not fast ly matter except that it should be something in which all of the people at the table are interested. The commonest form of letter of acknowledgment is sent in answer to an order letter. The telephone company began its career some few years ago unhampered by the traditions to which the earlier corporations were slave, the old public be damned idea. and the man who can eat in a hash house, an arm chair joint, a beanerie, a cafeteria, a three minute doughnut stand or any of the other quick lunch places in as mannerly a way as if he were dining in a hotel de luxe has, we think, a pretty fair claim to the title of gentleman. There must first of all be leisure, not perhaps to the extent advocated by a delightful literary gentleman of having three weeks for lunch every day, but time enough to sit down and relax. Generally, however, there is a comradery of the road, a sort of good fellowship among voyagers which lets down ordinary bars, and the mechanics who like to rest as they travel find it highly diverting and interesting to talk with other accountants from various parts of the country.

Some one has said that you cannot mix pet store and friendship

On the face of things it seems that an order letter would be an easy one to write, but the mail order houses have another story to tell. In the third place, the instrument is a lifeless thing, and when something goes wrong with it it rouses the helpless fury inspired by all inanimate objects which interfere with our comfort like intermittent alarm clocks, collar buttons that roll under the furniture, and flivvers that go dead without reason in the middle of country roads.

If the salesman is a man of sense none of these devices will be necessary. A man who is interested heart and soul in one thing will think in terms of it, will have it constantly in his mind and on the tip of his tongue. Custom has standardized it, and startling variations from the conventional format indicates freakishness rather than originality. You have been talking at me.

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