Painting Gallery

Sometimes, while redrawing coloration of a work, simplifying it in a paintings way one can smuggle particular contents. For example, if treat a Windows XP wallpaper in an over-painted way which was used as a background for an image presenting Russian attack on Georgia, it will not be recognizable.
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There is a reason that the artistic output of Jarosław Kukowski is connected with surrealism. The aesthetics of this trend is visible in many paintings by Kukowski. The artist often puts unrealistic personages into a realistic scenery or he reverses the situation by putting people in a distant, fantastic landscapes

One of the most remarkable and meaningful personages of world of art, not only in Poland, but also abroad is Jarosław Kukowski. This contemporary painter was born on 11 April 1972 in Tczew.
He presented his works for the first time in 1994 in the ‘CSW Stara Łaźnia’ gallery in Gdańsk. That year he exhibited three more times – in Starogard Gdański, Gdańsk and Skarszewy. In the following years he presented his paintings several times, for example in Warszawa in the ‘SD Art gallery

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In the same year,
Jarosław Kukowski ‘s works were also exhibited in ‘ARTEXPO’ in New York. From that day he has been also exhibiting in Denmark, Germany and Canada. In 2008 the artist’s paintings were also shown in a series of exhibitions in the United States in Miami, Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles. Jarosław Kukowski deals with oil paintings, but also drawing.

Apart from realistic or hyper-realistic works there are also different, of a more ‘economic’ form. The idea of the paintings is conditional mostly upon content. In his works he raises social and culture topics. „To take a breath and rest” he also takes on slightly lighter issues and paints images seen in his dreams.