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Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool London Adult DatingFree Dating UK 4. Participation in the Service is voluntary and free of charge. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

5. Any additional payable services are provided exclusively when the User expressly requests such services and when he has paid a given charge for such services. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

6. Profiles of Users are protected by law and Service Administrator administers personal data of Users. Each User is authorized to see his personal data processed by entities described hereinabove, is entitled to correct them as well as to demand to stop processing such data by means of deleting his/her Account. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique

Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating UK, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool 13. Removal of an Account can cause termination of providing all or some payable services of the Service bought by User, if holding an Account in the Service is necessary due to technological and system considerations.
EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool
14. In case of affirmation by the Administrator, that User violates provisions of the Terms of Use, Administrator can block the Account or particular services of the Service (e.g. internal post), together with providing in the Service adequate information available to all Users. The Administrator will unblock Account or other blocked services at his discretion, after confirmation by User activities indicated by the Administrator as a reason of blockade, or upon lapse of defined time indicated by the Administrator, as a sanction for violating Terms of Use, provided that User gives appropriate warranty of complying with the Terms of Use. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool UK Dating Introduction EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool is an Internet service facilitating personal contacts between people. EroDate service is available for registered users via Internet. You can access and use EroDate free of charge or pay an additional charge what will give you the access to additional service functions. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

Before you register, we encourage you to read the foregoing sections carefully. The sections hereunder create a form of mutual cooperation between you and EroDate service. During the registration process you shall be asked to read the following sections and accept their content by marking an appropriate field. If you do not agree with any point of the Terms of Use you should not register with EroDate service. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool Free Dating UK 1. Each individual who is over 16, accepts the Terms of Use and provides his/her reliable personal information indispensable during the registration process may become the User of the Service.
EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool
2. Internet access, Internet browser and active Mailbox are required in order to create an Account and to use the Service.

3. The registration of the user is made gradually via his/her mailbox. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

4. In order to finish the registration procedure a User has to click the link given within the letter received by him/her during the registration process. A person who does not make final activation of his/her Account (does not click on a given link) shall not have the possibility to activate such Account. In order to register at any time later he/she will have to fill in the registration form again. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

5. One User is allowed to have only one Account in the Service.

Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool Free Dating Liverpool Dating UK 1. By means of the Service, its Users may present a series of data, information and other contents concerning themselves and from themselves including their personal images on the photographs sent to Service – constituting the notion of the Profile of the User, as well as using more services available within the Service allowing for meet new friends between the Users. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

2. Searching the Service database as well as its individual services may be available for each Internet user, and the Administrator may restrict the extent of this access for persons who are not Users at any time and to any extent without giving reasons thereof.
EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique
3. The administrator does not accept any liability for services provided by means of the Service by third parties, providing services for Users on their own behalf and on their own account, by virtue of and according to the agreements reached with the Administrator or his general partners. The party supplying the services determines the principles of supplying thereof and is exclusively responsible for the services supplied. All the remarks and complaints should be directed to the party supplying the services and all the possible complaints directed to the Administrator shall be delivered to the parties mentioned hereinabove. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool UK Escorts 9. The above concerns also photos attached and additionally Administrator can refuse to publish the photo by blocking User Account, if the photo is bigger than 3 MB, of poor quality or will not meet technical conditions/requirements of the Service (too small or too big physical parameters, not served file format, etc.).
EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool
10. Regardless of the number of photos transfered to Service, the main photo must present the most current personal image of the user, that is such that allows to recognize User in current temporarily reality (e.g. photo of 25 years old User presenting him/her in the age of 3 or 8 years it is permitted for publication in the Service, but it cannot be the main photo and the Profile must be completed with additional current photo, being the main one), the main photo must show the User in a clear way so as to be helpful in his/her identification in reality (the face with distinct features or the figure with such face). Not meeting this requirement will cause blocking User Account. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool Free Dating UK Definitions EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique

Within this document, the statements mentioned below shall have the following meaning:

Terms of Use – this document with all the attachments; Free Dating Liverpool

Service – Internet service EroDate located on the website;

Administrator –

Mail box – electronic mail box characterized by individual Internet address assigned to a given individual (e-mail address) by means of which a given person may send and receive messages and other data;

User – person over 18, who creates an account properly by providing personal Login and a password allowing to log-in to the Service; EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

Login – individual and unique Username in the Service, which he/she has gained during the registration process;

Account – available for User after he/she logs-in (i.e. gives login and password). It is the part of the Service where User can enter and manage his personal data and perform operations related to displaying his/her Profile; EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique

Profile – information, data and other elements presenting and describing a User, given voluntarily and individually by the User, that are made accessible and presented on the Profile of the User within the Service; EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique

Premium Account – Account in the Service available for all Users who after having paid a given charge acquire for a limited period status of the Premium Account Holder. This service allows the User to use a series of additional functionalities of the Service as well as other preferences given ad hoc or for a given period of time; Free Dating Liverpool

Help – in this section of the Service Users can at any time find out how to perform certain actions in order to reach desired effects.

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a) he/she has familiarized with and accepts the Terms of Use; EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

b) personal data, image on photos and other information constituting elements of the Profile, have been transferred to the Service in a voluntary way and agrees on publication the Profile by the Administrator, what means that the access to this data will be or may be free for unlimited circle of Internet users. The above does not include the following data:
- e-mail address;
- account password;
- exact date of birth (system gives to the public age in years of the User, counted automatically on the basis of a given date of birth). EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

c) he/she agrees on processing, now and in the future, by the Administrator of the Service, any information given during the process of registration as well as later Profile edition or in any other way, personal data and personal image on photos passing on to the Service in the aim of publication this information and personal data through a presentation in the Service. The above consent includes also permission given to the Administrator on using above data, information and personal image by the Administrator on marketing, information, statistical purposes and publication in media such as Internet, press, radio, TV, mobile and fixed telephony. However, publication in media can be only done in a way so as information does not point to any connection with the name or surname or the way of direct contact with the User (without e-mail address)
EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool
d) he/she agrees to receiving commercial information from the Administrator and his/her partners

Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool Free Adult Dating UK 1. Main purpose of the Service is to provide (by means of the Internet) a system of presenting and exchanging personal information concerning the Users, that is run and supported by the Administrator, in order to create a possibility for establishing friendship between the Users. In the future Service may offer other services connected with the nature of Service, such services may be rendered either free of charge or for a given charge. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

2. To use the Service, the User must have the necessary hardware equipment and software and the necessary parameters required to properly use EroDate: Navigator Internet Explorer 6 or equivalent, Javascript functions enabled, cookies enabled, and pop-ups enabled. The User must have the skills, hardware and software required to use the Internet and acknowledges that the
characteristics and constraints of the Internet mean that the security, availability and integrity of Internet data transmissions cannot be guaranteed. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

3. Please note that depending on the configuration of hardware and software some functions of the Service may not be available. Administrator does not guarantee that the Service shall function without interruption or error. In particular, the use of the Service may be interrupted at any time for the purposes of maintenance, updates or technical improvements, or to develop its content and/or presentation. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique

Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool Free Adult Dating UK 4. All payable services are performed exclusively when Users expressly request them. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

5. Full extent of basic services of the Service is available without restriction to Users who
have an Account in the Service, what does not cover additional services that are payable
separately and which are not available for each User no matter his/her status, after having paid
appropriate charges. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

6. Any User may become a Premium, Premium Plus or VIP Account holder after he/she pays activation
charge. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

7. Administrator may change the extent of the access and the way of performing given services of the Service (both these already existing as well as those created in the future) at any time for all the Users with the same status. It also covers the possibility of adding and deleting certain services. All what is mentioned hereinabove may depend on the fact whether the User fulfils certain additional conditions. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

8. In the Service, the Administrator shall inform about each change within the extent of the service and explaining the reasons thereof.

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a) he/she has the rights or approvals required by law concerning the photo publication in the Service and in other media, according to the approvals made by User on the basis of the another provisions of the Terms of Use and it will not cause the infringement of third parties (any) rights;
EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique
b) In case of filling any claims by third parties against the Administrator, concerning infringement of any rights to the photo or personal image of the third parties published, User is obliged to make a written declaration of adequate content, that will release the Administrator from any responsibility in this range.
EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool
8. Information passed by the User to the Service, during the process of registration or Profile edition, can be moderated by the Administrator, what means that Administrator can refuse to publish them in the Service, and thereby block User Account, if contents or information presented will be forbidden with regards to the international law, the content of Terms of Use as well as decency and morality. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool Free UK Adult Dating EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

You understand that this web site may contain sexual images and adult content!!! Free Dating Liverpool

You will not allow any person under 18 years old to view any adult content from this website. You will not allow any person who is under the jurisdiction of any municipality, city, state, county, country, or other governmental entity where viewing adult content is prohibited by law, view any adult content on or from this website. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

This website is strictly a contacts and messaging website. We do not in anyway condone the exchange of money or goods for sexual intercourse or any other sexual act. Any members caught soliciting will be deleted and reported to the authorities. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique

Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating UK, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool
15. The Account can be removed by the Administrator without any notice, what will cause total and irrevocable removal an Account, if the Administrator finds that: Free Dating Liverpool

a) User violates the provisions of the Terms of Use;

b) User did not log even once in the Service within 12 months from the last login; Free Dating Liverpool

c) Profile does not contain the minimum amount of data or information required for activating User Account through the period of 6 months. The range of minimum amount of Profile data is indicated on Account site in My Profile through marking with the symbol *;

d) User has more than one Account – in such case all Accounts of the User can be removed;

e) User will not accept changes introduced by the Administrator in the Terms of Use; Free Dating Liverpool

f) User within 3 months from blocking Account or another particular services of the Service by the Administrator, will not make activities necessary for removal reasons being the cause of blocking or because of concrete opportunities does not give warranty of the behaviours consistent with the Terms of Use; Free Dating Liverpool

g) User will not unsuspend the Account suspended in the period longer than within 6 months from the date of its suspension;

h) User performs activities that may destabilize functioning of the Service or may not be in the best interest of the community
EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool Adult Dating UK 11. User can suspend the Account, what cause its temporarily deactivation in the Service (it will be invisible, and if any other User tries to call it, the adequate information will appear, that User of a given Login suspended his/her User Account), User Login will be unrecognisable, and User will loose in this time the possibility to use or realize services connected with its subject (e.g. using the system of internal post will be unavailable), what does not concern functionality of the Account or services not connected directly with connecting or information exchange between Users. Suspension of an Account does not cause suspension of the procedural time-limit of additional services paid. User can unsuspended an Account at any time, however it must take place in the period no longer than within 6 months from the moment of suspension of this Account. After the period of 6 months of Account suspension, which will not be unsuspended in this time, such Account will be automatically removed, without possibility of its restoring, about of which User will be noticed by e-mail. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

12. User can remove his/her Account from Service at any time, by sending adequate query to the System Administrator. Removal of an Account from the Service is permanent and irrevocable. EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique Free Dating Liverpool

Eromate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. Eromate.Co.UK is unique site where you can find UK Adult dating, Free Adult Dating UK, UK Adult Dating, free escort UK, UK Swingers Personals, UK Erotic Adverts, UK Escorts Adverts, London Adult Dating, UK Swingers Couples, UK Sex Contacts, Free Dating Wales, Free Dating Scotland,Free Dating London, Free Dating UK. Free Dating Liverpool 1. Subscription can be made for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or 24 months, as selected by the User. If the Subscription is not canceled, Subscription will be renewed automatically for the stated period.
EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique… Free Dating Liverpool
2. Most subscription plans to the Service consist of an initial period, for which there is a one time charge, followed by recurring period charges as agreed to by you. By entering into this Agreement, you acknowledge that your subscription has an initial and recurring payment feature and you accept responsibility for all recurring charges prior to cancellation. In case of recurring payments plan, your subscription will be automatically extended for successive renewal periods of the same duration as the subscription term originally selected, at the then-current non-promotional subscription rate. To change or resign your subscription at any time, go to Subscription tab after you log in. If you resign, you may use your subscription until the end of your then-current subscription term; your subscription will not be renewed after your then- current term expires. However, you won”t be eligible for a prorated refund of any portion of the subscription fee paid for the then-current subscription period.
EroMate.Co.UK is online matchmaking and dating system. Our system includes dozens of powerful search options, advanced profiles. EroMate.Co.UK is unique… Free Dating Liverpool
3. In case of service upgrade from Premium to Premium Plus or VIP or from Premium Plus to VIP, new account will be activated with recurring subscription and new package of services. Unused days from previous subscription level will be suspended and reactivated once the new subscription expires. Unused days from the previous subscription level will not be refunded. Free Dating Liverpool

4. Fees paid by a Subscriber will not be rebated or refunded by EroDate, unless the EroDate Service for which the Subscriber paid is completely or partly withdrawn by EroDate. In this event, the refund will be calculated on the pro-rata basis and refunded to the User. The refund will not take place in the event of violation of the Terms of Use by a Subscriber.

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