Business Directory

Some allow 200 words. Directory submission is very time consuming because you need to have a strategy for different directories. Link popularity goes hand in hand with search engine optimization. Link popularity affects rankings in many major search engines such as FAST Search, Google, and Inktomi.

The best way to do this is to select the most appropriate category and to write a concise, accurate description that already resembles descriptions in the targeted directory. Reason? Make it easy for the directory editor to approve your submission. If you are able to imitate the editor’s style when describing your Web site, you can increase the chance that your site will be accepted and your site description will be unaltered.

The rules for being listed well in directories are completely different from the rules about getting listed in the search engines. Your Web site needs to be in the most appropriate category, and directories do NOT have the same categories. Plus, some directories allow a 15-word description. Some allow 30 words.

One of the biggest mistakes people make during web directory submission is not doing the necessary research. In order to be listed in a directory (which will be approved by another human being), you must prove that you belong in that directory in the category that you have selected.

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